Thursday, May 13, 2021

Sartoria Lamberti, Moscow - Russia

A conceptual Italian restaurant at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, curated the chef Uilliam Lamberti, conceived as being a place where passion for fashion and food mingle, creating an experience attacking all the senses.

Guests are immersed in a vast range of sensations - where dish presentation, interior design and lighting, smells and sounds, textures and colors, lure into the world of top-class style and exquisite Italian cuisine.
At the core of this concept is the love for Italian fashion and craftsmanship.
Everything here is about the sartoria - of fashion, of food, of life. Not only the actual sartoria attributes - the patterns cabinets, the tailors sartoria and costumes displays. But the open kitchen is an arrangement of the sewing desks. The seating next to the kitchen is like a dressing room. The Tailor sofas are as stacks of fabrics. The brass columns were inspired by the tailor's thimbles, adorning the name of the restaurant.

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